
To ensure all our customers can navigate around our centre with ease we offer the following services to assist with accessibility.



Accessibility Bathrooms:


All of our bathrooms have an accessible toilet. Our bathrooms are located here:


- Near Nike
- Near Tommy HIlfiger
- Opposite the food court eateries




Accessibility Parking:


Dedicated mobility car parking is available near each of the entrances to Mānawa Bay. These carpark spaces are available to vehicles clearly displaying a valid mobility permit.




Changing Places:


Located within the main amenities block close to Tommy Hilfiger, Manawa Bay's Changing Places facility meets the needs of people with high needs that are not met by the standard accessible toilet. It includes an adult sized change table with shower, hoist, adjustable height toilet and adjustable height hand basin.


This room has a secure access system and is for registered users only.


Coming soon - available 1st October.


For more information and to register to use this facility please click on the link below for the Changing Places Org website.

Guide Dogs & Support Animals:


Guide and assistance dogs are welcome. Centre Management requires that animals are not left unattended in our outdoor areas, including inside customer cars.
Only service guide dogs and working dogs are allowed at Mānawa Bay. Mānawa Bay is located on land governed under the “Auckland Airport By Law 1989”. Section 4(2), no animals are permitted on the airport except for working guide dogs, government agency dogs and animals traveling by air Animals on the airport land represent a risk to the safety of aircraft operations and the animals themselves.
*Assistance animals must be certified as a “disability assist dog” by an approved organisation like the Blind Foundation, Assistance Dogs NZ or Hearing Dogs for Deaf People NZ.




Hidden Disabilities Sunflower Scheme:


Mānawa Bay is a proud participant in the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower Scheme which helps to support and raise awareness for people living with a hidden disability.
Under the Hidden Disability Sunflower scheme, our customers with hidden disabilities such as autism, chronic pain, dementia, anxiety, visual or hearing impairment, can choose to wear a lanyard bearing a sunflower logo as a subtle way of letting our centre employees and retailers know that they may require additional support, assistance, or a bit more time when visiting us.